Because carbon monoxide (CO) is odorless and colorless, many workers in the plant site do not realize its existence in the workplace. Thus, preventive measures hold fundamental safety functions in order to reduce its generation, avoid concentration buildup, alert workers about its existence, and prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
You may have established some preventive measures against CO. But the list below may give you another idea for completing hazard controls against CO.
Here are 15 preventive measures against carbon monoxide hazards in chemical plants. These measures can be applied by workers and employers.
1. Identify which equipment, tools and appliances produce CO.
2. Prohibit the usage of petrol or diesel-powered engines and tools in poorly ventilated areas, inside buildings/rooms, partially enclosed areas, and confined spaces. Read this article to know about confined space examples.
3. Install effective ventilation system that will remove carbon monoxide from building, rooms or enclosed areas.
4. Make effective maintenance programs for equipment, tools and appliances that generate carbon monoxide.
5. Ensure that ventilation system is always in good performance.
6. Make a plan to replace petrol or diesel-powered equipment, and tools powered by electricity, compressed air, batteries, or other safe power sources.
7. Put CO hazards warning label on equipment, tools and appliances. Make sure that they can be seen easily.
8. Promote safety signs, safety slogans or safety posters, which warn workers about CO hazards.
9. Ensure that workers have received CO SDS training.
10. Install carbon monoxide detectors with audible alarms like Kidde CO Detector at the proper area.
11. Design flue gas or off gas venting direction away from entering into buildings or enclosed area.
12. Provide appropriate personal protective equipment for workers.
13. Include CO concentration measurement result in work permit and confined space permit.
14. Check regularly CO level inside closed area, where equipment, and tools that generate CO are operated.
15. Report immediately any complaints of dizziness, drowsiness or nausea to the authorized personnel.
16. Measure regularly CO concentration exhausted from each tools, equipment, and appliances.
17. Do not forget to calibrate CO detector regularly to ensure its accuracy