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Quick Tips: Hazards of Acetic Acid You Should Know

hazards of acetic acid

Acetic acid is a versatile chemical compound that finds its applications in various industries and household products. It is commonly known as vinegar when diluted. While acetic acid has numerous benefits, it is essential to be aware of the potential hazards associated with its handling and use.

This post will provide you with quick tips to understand and mitigate the risks posed by acetic acid. [Continue reading…]

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Confined Space Safety Slogan – A Helpful Tool to Improve Confined Space Safety

confined space safety slogan

A confined space safety slogan is another choice for you in communicating confined space safety. As you may already know that good communication is key to confined space work safety.

A combination of good communication, complete confined space entry equipment, perfect standard operating procedure, and supervision will ensure the safety of all personnel, who involve in confined space work.

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H2S Monitor – The Key Factor to Controlling H2S Hazards in the Workplace

H2S monitor

What has happened at Tianyuan Manganese Corp in northwest China’s Ningxia Hui at the end of the year 2010 has reminded me of the H2S hazard and the importance of the H2S monitor.

In that accident at work, according to the initial accident investigation, three people died which was caused by H2S gas poisoning. H2S was released when employees were mixing manganese carbonate and sulphuric acid at the plant site.

H2S or hydrogen sulfide has a specific odor like a rotten egg at the concentration of below 1 ppm in air. However, its odor can not be used as the H2S detection method. A reliable and continuous H2S monitor or H2S detection device is exactly required to avoid H2S poisoning.

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3 Best Electrical Safety Gloves 1000V

best electrical safety gloves

Wearing electrical safety gloves while working at a high voltage electrical facility – suppose 1000V – is a must for technicians to prevent shock, injury, and even death.

Common works like repair, cable check, connection clean up and testing new a high voltage electrical facility are some examples that require electrical safety gloves.

Don’t forget to inspect your existing electrical safety gloves. If they are already damaged, replace them immediately. Don’t compromise with your safety.

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Rental 4G Internet Kit And Wifi Hotspot From Trade Show Internet

Trade Show Internet offers rental 4G internet kits and Wi-Fi hotspot for smaller events. For bigger events such as trade shows, sporting events or experiential marketing event, you may opt for event IT. This is a complete package that comprises of on-site time, Ethernet drops and may also include captive portal and splash page. You may request for custom internet solutions depending on your event. this ensures that your internet needs are fully catered for. [Continue reading…]

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