chemical storage building

Chemical storage building is used to store hazardous materials (hazmat) and designed from metal building structures. It is safe, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly.

It is not purposed only for safety but also for the environment. It plays a vital role in chemical industries, where various hazardous materials are stored.

There are several factors to consider when you design chemical storage buildings. You need to specify clearly these factors in detail so that the manufacturer could supply a chemical storage building that fits your requirements.

Location Selection

The first thing you need to consider before designing such a facility is to find a suitable location. Check applicable local government regulation and building code regulations on that matter. You have to fulfill both regulations.

It is to confirm where your company is allowed to place chemical storage buildings in your existing plant site or for a new plant.

Environment Impact

Any potential environmental impact has to be considered in high priority. Environment consideration closely relates to location selection.

Availability of Utilities

To reduce additional cost, you should select a location where utility networks such as electricity and water, are already available.

Size Calculation

Calculate accurately the maximum hazmat stock that you will store in the building. The capacity has to include some percentage of allowance. In addition, free space is also required for secondary spill containment equipment. It is also not recommended to store incompatible hazmat together because fire and explosion may occur.


Select the most suitable type. The nature of hazmat will become the major consideration for type selection. Typical types are Standard Non-Fire Rated Hazmat Buildings, Fire Rated Hazmat Buildings, Agricultural / Pesticides Storage Buildings, and Compressed Gas Hazmat Storage Buildings.

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Local Weather

Temperature, pattern of local weather and wind direction should be included into design consideration. Controlling temperature by insulation may be the most economic option.

Safety Equipment

Consider installing safety equipment for the chemical storage building. Consult with a safety expert if you are unsure of what safety equipment required.


Only purchase from a reliable and professional manufacturer or supplier. Search some reviews for the manufacturers. Hear what other customers say.