CAS Number Database Free Download

cas number database

May be it is hard to find CAS number database for free download. You need to pay for it even for a small fee.

The CAS number list you will find in this article is collecting from many sources, including CAS number from Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

If you are preparing a new SDS or MSDS for your chemical products, you can also find the right CAS number from the database.

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26 Ready to Follow Ideas for Construction Safety Meeting Topics

construction safety meeting topics

Before starting any construction work in a chemical plant, you will want to conduct a construction safety meeting which is attended by safety in charges within your company or plant, construction workers, and laborers. It is usually conducted daily, weekly, and or monthly within the construction schedule.

At that time, you should choose appropriate construction safety meeting topics. They are very important in which you communicate any safety-related topics with the construction jobs.

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Truck Driver Safety Meeting Topics

truck driver safety meeting topics

Truck drivers who deliver hazardous chemicals – like hydrogen peroxide -require deeper safety knowledge than truck drivers in general. To enhance their knowledge about safety on such chemical transport, a truck driver safety meeting must be conducted. At least it is conducted once a year.

You may have scheduled your own truck driver safety meeting for several years with the same topics. You do not have any idea about the meeting topics so that you decide to use the same topics.

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What You Must Know About Hazard and Hazard Recognition Methods

hazard recognition methods

By definition, a hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm to people, damage to property or environment, or loss to process.

OSHA defines hazard as the potential for harm that is associated with a condition or activity that if left uncontrolled can result in injury or illness.

Meanwhile, according to OHSAS 18001:1999, the hazard is a source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or illness health, damage to property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these.

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Factors to Consider When Designing Chemical Storage Building

chemical storage building

Chemical storage building is used to store hazardous materials (hazmat) and designed from metal building structures. It is safe, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly.

It is not purposed only for safety but also for the environment. It plays a vital role in chemical industries, where various hazardous materials are stored.

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A Short Guide to Hearing Protection Devices

hearing protection devices

Hearing protection devices are used to control high-level noise hazards when other hazard control methods like engineering and administrative controls can not decrease the noise level. They may come in the form of earplugs or earmuffs.

In order to know that you are exposed to high-level noise hazards, then you should measure the noise level from the sources at your workplace. Each noise source has different nature. It could expose noise hazards in an impulsive, intermittent, or even continuous manner.

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Delivering Safety Messages Through Safety Hard Hat Stickers

safety hard hat stickers

Many workers put hard hat stickers that show off what they like such as their names, badge numbers, their favorite football player, or unique images. But, only a few of them apply safety hard hat stickers. Employers can instruct their workers to apply safety stickers in order to deliver safety messages.

There are many custom safety hard hat stickers that you can select to deliver a certain safety message. They are best to deliver safety messages or topics related to each worker’s workplace condition.

As an example, if workers work closely with flammable gas or liquid, you can warn them about fire hazards and what they have to avoid. Or you can simply use a flammable material hazard symbol.

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22 Practical Safety Tips for Chemical Storage Tanks

The explosion on a chemical storage tank at Packaging Corporation of America, Tomahawk, Wisconsin, on July 29, 2008, which killed three people, has shown how chemical storage tanks could put hazards into reality.

The above accident did not represent the entire potential hazards associated with the presence of chemical storage tanks in a chemical plant. In addition, the condition becomes worst when chemicals stored in the tanks are flammable, combustible, corrosive, or even toxic.

Because chemical storage tanks present in all chemical plants, improvement of their safety is very important. That’s why this article is written.

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Introducing to Infrared Temperature Measurement for Safety Purposes

infrared temperature measurement

Infrared temperature measurement is usually carried out as a part of a predictive maintenance program in a chemical plant. It is done to detect and measure abnormal temperature or hotspot of electromechanical equipment before troubles happen.

The thermal image resulted from infrared measurement represents a thermal property of the equipment. By knowing that condition, preventive maintenance will be more effective, efficient and downtime of the plant can be reduced significantly.

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What You Need to Know All About Safety Hard Hats

safety hard hats

Wearing a hard hat or safety helmet may become your daily habit when you enter the plant site. However, I guess most of us do not aware whether the hard hats you are using are still able to protect your head from hazards or not.

So I think it is very essential to remind you (maybe including myself) about hard hat safety or safety hard hats. Read the hard hat safety reminders below to ensure that you have protected your head with the right hard hat or helmet.

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