by Hauzan on September 15, 2020
In this post, I would like to bring you important safety tips. Hydrostatic pressure test safety. This topic is very important because you -as an owner of a project- might not be focused on it. Your contractor will handle it for you.
The hydrostatic pressure test is a common non-destructive test method used for testing piping and pressure vessel after its construction. This method is often preferable by the owner because of product consideration. [Continue reading…]
Tagged as: hydro test safety, hydrostatic pressure
by Hauzan on September 12, 2020
Rupture disc, safety valve, and relief valve have the same functions. They protect process equipment, ISO tank containers, and machines from overpressure.
They act as protection devices – safety devices.
However, there is one significant difference between the rupture disc and the safety valve and relief valve.
What is the difference?
Rupture disc can be used only for one-time use. Once a pressure build-up is created in a piece of equipment or machine higher than its design pressure, it will burst.
[Continue reading…]
Tagged as: rupture disc burst pressure, rupture disc design
by Hauzan on September 11, 2020
Are you familiar with this famous safety motto, “Safety starts with me”? This motto brings an important safety message. This means that safety should start from a “will” or from your own motivation.
It also means that someone who writes or reads this sentence shows a determination to do something, strong motivation, and courage as well as a probability of success.
Regardless of any safety motto or safety slogan topic you choose (lab safety slogans, industrial safety slogans, construction safety slogans, etc), try to use the safety motto start “I will” to grow internal motivation. [Continue reading…]
Tagged as: safety motto, safety motto start i will
by Hauzan on September 7, 2020
According to, during 2010-2015 there are 2,242 deaths caused by unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning.
The highest point in each year was in the winter season. OSHA released a warning to employers about this hazardous gas during the winter season.
Carbon monoxide poisoning can happen where ever you go: workplace, office, home, hotel, school, camping, in a car, and so on. [Continue reading…]
Tagged as: easy to bring CO detector, Wearable Carbon Monoxide Detector
by Hauzan on September 7, 2020
Talking about the hazards of static electricity in the chemical industry is like re-open my memory when I was facing such kind of incidents in the plant several years ago.
The accident happened when metallic-powder catalyst charging was being done from a wagon into a catalyst feeder with poor earth grounding and incomplete flammable gas substitution.
Static electric sparks were created and ignited flammable gas inside the catalyst feeder immediately. A fire occurred. [Continue reading…]
Tagged as: hazards of static electricity in chemical industry, static electric hazards, static electricity
by Hauzan on September 5, 2020
The hazard control hierarchy provides a clear way on how to control hazards in the workplace effectively.
There are many kinds of safety hazards in the workplace; chemical hazards, biological hazards, ergonomic hazards, physical hazards, radiation hazards, and environmental hazards.
An accident may happen if these hazards are not controlled effectively.
[Continue reading…]
Tagged as: hazard control hierarchy, hazard control measures, hierarchy of control definition, hierarchy of control examples
by Hauzan on September 2, 2020
Do you usually have difficulty in getting safety meeting ideas? If you are facing this problem, this post hopefully can help you solve the problem.
The solution is to have a list of various workplace safety topics for meetings.
Talking the same topic in safety meetings will not only make you lose meeting members’ attention but it will also result in a poor-participation meeting.
In addition, having very limited workplace safety topics for meeting is also a problem. [Continue reading…]
Tagged as: safety committee meeting, safety topics for meeting
by Hauzan on August 28, 2020
Having a good understanding of safety precautions inside the laboratory is a very first step to keep laboratory safety.
If you ignore these safety precautions, then you will end with an unexpected injury or accident.
So, always make sure that you already understand and implement all of these safety precautions inside the laboratory.
Do not forget to remind other workers with safety slogans for the laboratory. They are effective and simple to use. [Continue reading…]
Tagged as: lab safety, Safety Precautionary Measures Inside the Laboratory, safety precautions in laboratory chemistry, Safety Precautions Inside the Laboratory
by Hauzan on August 25, 2020
Hazards of ammonia are harmful to your safety and health. Beware of this chemical; while you are using it, on the road, warehouse, or any other places where you find this chemical.
Actually, ammonia is a very useful chemical. According to, the world’s ammonia consumption is increasing from year to year.
Despite its usefulness, however, ammonia can potentially endanger your safety and health. [Continue reading…]
Tagged as: ammonia leak emergency procedures, ammonia safety precautions, effect ammonia of the body, hazards of ammonia
by Hauzan on August 24, 2020
Loss control inspection checklists are an important guideline for preparing a successful loss control survey. Make sure you have it before facing the loss control inspection.
A loss control inspection or loss control survey is performed in a timely manner. Based on my experiences, the schedule is between 2-3 years. But, it will also depend on the insurance company policy.
Because the schedule is not so frequent, this causes most of you to forget to make enough preparation. As a result, you will not get the maximum benefits from the loss control survey.
That’s a problem. Avoid this from happening.
[Continue reading…]
Tagged as: loss control inspection checklists