safety training in canada

In order to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, every company in the province of Ontario Canada must provide a health and safety awareness training program to their workers and their management. Businesses in Ontario are required to undertake specific training programs to stay in compliance with the regulations of both the federal government and the provincial government. 

Although the particular needs of each firm might vary greatly, the legislation in Ontario states that almost all companies are obliged to offer their workers training in at least one of the following four categories, and in some cases, all of them:

  • The accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities act (AODA) 
  • Hazardous materials data systems for the workplace are two pieces of legislation that have recently been passed 
  • Education of both workers and management about issues of health and safety
  • The problem of harassment and violence in the working environment

In order to protect their workforce from potential dangers, most companies will need to offer specialized training programs for specific jobs. Your organization may limit the risk of discrimination, damage, and harassment by offering essential training to its employees. If your company continues to maintain its training compliance, it may be able to avoid fines and legal action.

The most crucial training qualifications in Ontario are outlined here, with an explanation of why they absolutely have to be satisfied.


Ontario has a disability rate of one in nine, and that percentage is growing. In 2005, the government of Ontario passed a law called the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. (AODA). The legislation requires that all companies in Ontario and the workers of such firms get AODA training. 

This program’s objective is to provide participants with the knowledge and abilities necessary to connect with people of varying capabilities in a manner that is productive and respectful.


The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System is what’s meant to be referred to when hearing the abbreviation WHMIS. The end purpose of the system is to educate users on how to safely handle potentially hazardous chemicals and store them in the appropriate manner. Since 1988, the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training program has been required in workplaces throughout Canada. 

The Globally Harmonized System, sometimes known as GHS, is a relatively new labeling method that became mandatory for training in the year 2018. (GHS). Training in WHMIS is required by law for workers in Canada who handle hazardous chemicals or are exposed to them in their line of work.

A Shared Awareness of Concerns About Health and Safety Among Employees and Management

Employees and supervisors in Ontario who are required to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act requirements are required to complete a foundational course in occupational health and safety awareness (the Act). 

This instruction will help everyone better grasp the rights and responsibilities that pertain to them under the law. The workers may attend one class, while the supervisors can take a different class altogether. Throughout the training program, a number of the additional responsibilities the supervisor has with regard to health and safety are outlined.

In Canadian jurisdictions that compel businesses to provide health and safety training, the formation of Joint Health and Safety Committees is a mandatory requirement for businesses with more than 20 employees. Certifications must be held by at least one worker and one management member of the committee. 

They may potentially get their credentials if they successfully complete the mandatory Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Certification Course. The training necessary to become a certified JHSC professional is far more in-depth than the training needed to complete the introductory course.

Problems of Discord and Harassment in the Working Environment

The idea that violence and harassment in the workplace occur often is erroneous for a large number of individuals. A poll conducted in Canada in 2017 found that sixty percent of respondents had been the target of harassment over the preceding two years. 

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (the Act) of Ontario mandates that businesses are expected to develop and execute policies to address issues of workplace violence and harassment in order to comply with the law. In addition to that, the legislation mandates that businesses must provide their employees with training on the requirements of the law. Because of this, it is clear that supervisors will need further training in the near future. 

Employees need to be given instructions on how to follow up on incidents and complaints from customers in the correct manner. According to the human rights law in Ontario, employers and supervisors who are responsible for allowing an environment that is hostile to employees might face legal consequences for their actions. For instance, if they do not give sufficient training to prevent harassment, they may be held responsible for it.

There is a Demand for Training

Your employer can need you to undergo more training in order to keep your employment, but this will depend on the circumstances of your position.

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Education and Training Tailored to the Working Environment

In many instances, firms will be required to provide their own in-house training programs. Working from Elevated Positions Training in construction, for example, can be necessary for those seeking employment in the construction industry. 

In addition, you may have the desire to go above and beyond the criteria that are mandated by the law. For instance, you may give training in ergonomics in order to cut down on the number of cases of injuries caused by repeated motion.

Training on the Most Essential Aspects of Resuscitation

Any company that falls within the purview of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act is required to have continuous first-aid coverage on-site by means of trained personnel.

Keep a Training Journal

Training is very necessary in order to ensure the safety of both your company and your staff. In the case of an incident, you will be required to provide evidence that you did all in your ability to preserve your place of employment free from dangers, discrimination, and harassment. 

With the assistance of an online LMS, training may be given, and its progress monitored. You are now able to complete the appropriate training requirements and record your progress.

Before commencing the on-the-job training of an employee, you, as an employer, should make sure that you are aware of the numerous training requirements that are imposed by law. The foundation of your employee orientation should be comprised of these four different programs. 

It’s possible that you’ll need to complete further training depending on the kind of business you run and the regulations that apply to your field. 

Where Do Employees Stand with Regard to The Rights and Responsibilities of Their Positions?

The following are some examples of the responsibilities that are expected of employees:

  • Uphold compliance with Occupational Health and Safety regulations.
  • Dress appropriately, and be sure you utilize your personal protective equipment as directed by your employer.
  • Notify your management as soon as possible if there are any potential threats or dangers at your place of employment.
  • Maintain a safe working environment, and be sure you use all the necessary protective equipment as your employer advises.
  • You are obligated to promptly report any potentially hazardous equipment that is either missing or in a state that is unsafe to use to your supervisor or your employer.

Three key safety measures are guaranteed to every worker:

  • The ability to refuse potentially dangerous employment.
  • Workers have the ability to participate in health and safety activities in the workplace by either serving on the Health and Safety Committee (HSC) or selecting a worker health and safety representative to represent their interests.
  • Having the legal right to be informed of and protected against any and all dangers present in one’s place of employment is an essential component of workplace safety.

What Responsibilities Come with Holding a Managerial or Supervisory Position?

It is required of the management or supervisor to:

  • Verify that the place of employment conforms with all of the relevant rules and regulations pertaining to health and safety.
  • Make sure that all of the personnel are utilizing any appropriate safety equipment or devices.
  • Provide information to workers on both existing dangers and potential future ones.
  • Employees should be provided written instructions that detail the precautions to take and the procedures that should be carried out.
  • By taking all of the essential precautions, you can ensure the safety of your staff members.

It is the responsibility of managers and supervisors, in their capacities as agents of the employer, to ensure that the work over which they have control is completed in accordance with the Act’s requirements, just as it is the responsibility of the employer as a whole.

How Exactly Are Laws Expected to Be Obeyed?

Companies are obligated to ensure the well-being of their staff members in accordance with the new legislation. The task of ensuring compliance with the legislation is delegated to inspectors employed by the appropriate department of the local government. 

In the most serious of cases, the police or crown attorneys in Canada may also choose to press charges in accordance with Section 217.1 of the Criminal Code (also known as the “Westray Bill” or “Bill C-45”). The legislation places a legal obligation on employers and others in charge of operations to guarantee that their employees and the general public are protected from harm in line with the terms of this section. 

If a person or company “wantonly” or carelessly violates this commitment and results in the harm or death of another person, they may be charged with criminal negligence. This charge may even be filed against a company.